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Trump score How often Curtis votes in line with Trump's position | Trump margin Trump's share of the vote in the 2016 election in Utah’s 3rd District minus Clinton's | Predicted score How often Curtis is expected to support Trump based on Trump's 2016 margin | Trump plus-minus Difference between Curtis’s actual and predicted Trump-support scores |
94.4% | +23.9 | 87.4% | +7.0 |
Trump score How often Curtis votes in line with Trump's position | 94.4% |
Trump margin Trump's share of the vote in the 2016 election in Utah’s 3rd District minus Clinton's | +23.9 |
Predicted score How often Curtis is expected to support Trump based on Trump's 2016 margin | 87.4% |
Trump plus-minus Difference between Curtis’s actual and predicted Trump-support scores | +7.0 |
Date | Measure | Trump Position | Curtis Vote | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement | Plus-minus |
March 14 | Funding for measures to prevent school violence, including training for officials and threat detection (407-10) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 98.0% | Plus-minus +2.0 |
March 13 | Allowing patients with terminal illnesses the right to try unapproved treatments (259-140) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 96.6% | Plus-minus +3.4 |
Feb. 9 | Two-year budget bill (240-186) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote No | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 71.0% | Plus-minus -71.0 |
Feb. 6 | Extension of government funding for six weeks (245-182) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 97.5% | Plus-minus +2.5 |
Jan. 30 | Department of Defense Appropriations Act (250-166) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 97.8% | Plus-minus +2.2 |
Jan. 22 | Extension of government funding for three weeks, ending the shutdown (266-150) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 97.0% | Plus-minus +3.0 |
Jan. 19 | Motion to table articles of impeachment against President Trump (355-66) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 99.6% | Plus-minus +0.4 |
Jan. 18 | Extension of government funding for four weeks (230-197) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 95.1% | Plus-minus +4.9 |
Jan. 11 | Reauthorizing warrantless spying program as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (256-164) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 80.1% | Plus-minus +19.9 |
Jan. 11 | Limiting the ability of officials to search and read private messages collected incidentally as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (183-233) | Trump Position oppose | Curtis Vote No | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 75.7% | Plus-minus +24.3 |
Dec. 21, 2017 | Extension of government funding for four weeks (231-188) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 91.9% | Plus-minus +8.1 |
Dec. 20, 2017 | Overhauling the tax code (final version) (224-201) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 98.0% | Plus-minus +2.0 |
Dec. 19, 2017 | Overhauling the tax code (conference committee version) (227-203) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 98.0% | Plus-minus +2.0 |
Dec. 7, 2017 | Extension of government funding for two weeks (235-193) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 88.9% | Plus-minus +11.1 |
Dec. 6, 2017 | Making concealed-carry firearm permits valid across state lines (231-198) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 97.1% | Plus-minus +2.9 |
Dec. 6, 2017 | Motion to table articles of impeachment against President Trump (364-58) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 0.6% | Plus-minus +99.4 |
Nov. 16, 2017 | Overhauling the tax code (House version) (227-205) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 97.8% | Plus-minus +2.2 |
Nov. 14, 2017 | Reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program (237-189) | Trump Position support | Curtis Vote Yes | Agree with Trump? | Likelihood of agreement 92.9% | Plus-minus +7.1 |
Average | 94.4% | 87.4% | +7.0 |
See more about John Curtis at ProPublica
Members’ “likelihood of agreement” scores on each vote are calculated using a regression for which the input is Trump's 2016 vote margin in every member's state or district and the output is the probability that a member will vote for the bill. The plus-minus on each vote is the difference between the member's vote (100 percent for a “yes,” 0 percent for a “no”) and the likelihood of agreement. Averages do not include missed votes. How this works »